CDL Empowering the Youth of Mauritius

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CDL Empowering the Youth of Mauritius

Cellular Distribution Ltd has recently employed Melisha Moukhram as Assistant Accountant, After seeing her potential the Management team has decided to sponsor her studies and help her develop her career further. See below interview.

Tell us a bit about yourself, who is Melisha?

I’m Melisha Mookhram, 24 years old. I’m currently doing ACCA LEVEL 2. I thrive on challenges and look for opportunities to do better and achieve greatness. I use a series of tools to help myself stay on top of deadlines and I am a result oriented, constantly checking in with the goal to determine how close we are.

What do you like to do for fun?

I am a bird watching enthusiast. I love the outdoors and enjoy going for hikes during weekends. It’s great to connect with nature, enjoy some pleasant views and get away from the city. I also enjoy singing during my free time as it takes my mind off the problems for the day and improves my mood.

How are you finding Cellular Distribution Ltd so far, have you settled in?

I love working at CDL as we have a very friendly and professional team that creates a wonderful atmosphere to work more efficiently .This will help me to be more successful.

What interests you about your current job?

As an Assistant Accountant is the learning phase. I’m passionate about accounting as analytical skills and attention to details are my greatest strengths. I believe that we should do for living what we enjoy doing and for me that’s exactly accounting. I ensure that I give my best at work. I find new ways to make work comfortable and more efficient.

You are planning on pursuing your studies while working, why?

Working while studying will help me develop my core competencies and earning an income to factoring all my outstanding debts. In addition to this, it will help me gain valuable work experience at an early age, making valuable connections and relationships.

What course will you be studying and why did you make that choice?

I chose ACCA as my career as it develops strong analytical skills, professional competencies and give a comprehensive knowledge that I can apply in the real world. Upon joining ACCA, I have learnt to think critically viewing things from both a business and accounting perspective. Now I can provide sound advice which ensures accounts comply with the relevant accounting standards. I’m in a profession that is respected and known for Integrity and Ethics.

What are your goals? Where do you see yourself after your studies?

My ambition is to pass all my ACCA exams and want to further develop my expertise in Accounting and Finance. I see myself as a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT in the coming years.

How did you react when you were told CDL would sponsor your studies?

I was very thrilled and grateful to CDL for sponsoring my ACCA exams as it will motivate me to work even harder and become an ACCA AFFILIATE as soon as possible.

In what way will the sponsorship benefit you?

Sponsorship will help me in accomplishing my goals, gain relevant knowledge and developing the necessary skills to secure future employment.

Do you believe that Employers should be encouraged to sponsor employees?

I’m very grateful to CDL and I wish other youth like me to get the same opportunity and would therefore want other employers to encourage and sponsor their employees towards their educational course.

Interview by Dinesh Lallmaun.